Working Papers

Ben-Akiva, M., Toledo, T., Santos, J., Cox, N., Zhao, F, Marzano, V., and Lee, YJ. (2015), “Freight data collection using GPS and web-based surveys: insights from US truck drivers’ survey and perspectives for urban freight”. (Under review for publication in Case Studies on Transport Policy)

Pattabhiraman  V., Carrion C., Abou-Zeid M, and Ben-Akiva M. (2014), "A Need-based Model of Activity Duration, Location Choice and Frequency." submitted to Transportation Science. (Under revision)

Abou Zeid, M. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2009), "Happiness and Travel Behavior Modification", MIT-Portugal Working Paper Series.

Guevara, CA. (2009), "Addressing Endogeneity in Discrete Choice Models", MIT-Portugal Working Paper Series.

Yang, L., Choudhury, C., Ben-Akiva, M., Abreu, J., Carvalho, D., Carvalho, S. (2009), "Stated Preference Survey for New Smart Transport Modes and Services", MIT-Portugal Working Paper Series.